Four Seasons Film Festival 2018 lineup announced

We are delighted to announce the full line up for Four Seasons Film Festival 2018, with nine feature film screenings, more than 60 short films, live music performances, art and photography exhibitions from inspirational and game changing film makers and artists from around the world.
Each film has been categorised to reflect the mood of the annual seasons, where access to our short film selection, live music, art and photography exhibitions is included within the price of all packages. You can check out the full line up below, with tickets now available.
Saturday 3rd February Features 11:00 Spring Screening 1: Chasing Niagara 14:00 Spring Screening 2: Late Blossom Blues 17:00 Summer Screening 1: One Year on a Bike 20:00 Summer Screening 2: At the Drive-In
Shorts 10:30 Spring Short Selection Screening (included within all ticket prices) 16:30 Summer Short Selection Screening (included within all ticket prices)
Sunday 4th February
Features 11:00 Autumn Screening 1: Blue Hollywood 14:00 Autumn Screening 2: Selling Isobel 17:00 Winter Screening 1: The Seventh Summit 20:00 Winter Screening 2: Magnetic & This is Home Double Bill
10:30 Autumn Short Selection Screening (included within all ticket prices) 16:30 Winter Short Selection Screening (included within all ticket prices)
Monday 5th February 19:00 Awards Presentation
TICKET PACKAGES AVAILABLE: Four Seasons Pass Stalls £100 - Full weekend pass for all eight feature screenings across spring, summer, autumn and winter festival categories; our short film selection; art and photography exhibitions and live music performances. Four Seasons Pass VIP £150 - Full weekend pass for all eight feature screenings across spring, summer, autumn and winter festival categories; our short film selection; art and photography exhibitions and live music performances. The VIP pass includes gallery seating with a private bar and a ticket to our exclusive awards party on Monday 5th February. Spring & Summer Pass Stalls £50 - Saturday pass for four feature screenings listed in the spring and summer festival categories. Access to our short film selection; art and photography exhibitions and live music performances on Saturday 3rd February only. Spring & Summer Pass VIP £85 - Saturday pass for four feature screenings listed in the spring and summer festival categories. Access to our short film selection; art and photography exhibitions and live music performances on Saturday 3rd February only. The VIP pass includes gallery seating with a private bar and a ticket to our exclusive awards party on Monday 5th February. Autumn & Winter Pass Stalls £50 - Sunday only pass for four feature screenings listed in the autumn and winter festival categories. Access to our short film selection; art and photography exhibitions and live music performances on Sunday 4th February only. Autumn & Winter Pass VIP £85 - Sunday pass for four feature screenings listed in the autumn and winter festival categories. Access to our short film selection; art and photography exhibitions and live music performances on Sunday 4th February only. The VIP pass includes gallery seating with a private bar and a ticket to our exclusive awards party on Monday 5th February. Individual Feature Screening Tickets £15 - Individual tickets for feature screenings across all season categories. Access to our short film selection; art and photography exhibitions and live music performances on the day of your individual screening ticket is included.