Four Seasons Film Festival 2020 schedule announcement

Each year we are truly overwhelmed with the quality and high standard of films submitted to Four Seasons Film Festival - with our 2020 edition being no exception to the rule.
Once again we received hundreds of entries from across the globe - with films submitted from 37 different countries - since our opening date in April.
The Holmlands team have been busy watching and reviewing entries over the past six months, making some tough decisions as to which films made it through to our 2020 festival line up.
In total 14 inspiring and adventure fueled films made the final cut and will be screened between March 16th -23rd 2020 at Charlotte Street Hotel - ahead of a special VIP awards ceremony at The Soho Hotel in Central London. Fourteen films, five nights, four seasons ... welcome to Four Seasons Film Festival 2020! Tickets now available, with a full line up listed below: Monday 16th March 2020 20:00 -22:00 It's Just Like Riding A Bike - UK Premiere Dream Big - London Premiere Return to Earth Tuesday 17th March 2020 20:00 -22:00 The Reef - UK Premiere Deep Water - London Premiere Oceans Without Limits - European Premiere Wednesday 18th March 2020 20:00 -22:00 The Housecats - London Premiere Humpback Whales: A Detective Story - London Premiere Thursday 19th March 2020 20:00 -22:00 A Winter Affair East West - UK Premiere Adaptive - UK Premiere On The Verge - UK Premiere Friday 20th March 2020 20:00 - 22:00 The Spirit of Flatness - UK Premiere Electric Greg - London Premiere Beyond Dreams Monday 23rd March 2020 20:00 - 22:00 Awards Evening (Soho Hotel)
Click here to book your tickets and check out our official festival trailer below.